Soul Qualities for the Vitreous Humour
The vitreous humour fluid is related to the so-called reptilian brain. This governs archaic survival reactions of fight, flight and freeze. The vitreous humour is connected with the abdominal organs, shown in the Eyebody patterns: the digestive system, eg stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and the reproductive organs. Over and under focus lead to an increase in compression and tensions within in the vitreous humour and cause it to press against the lens. This affects the diaphragm and it’s freedom of movement, thus interfering with the flow of breathing.
During the past few months, Peter has gained more clarity about different aspects of the vitreous humour and how it is influenced by specific cell memory attachments and by certain soul qualities.
The intention of the following description is to support your conscious directing and envisaging from the upper visual cortex of the visual system, eg in your Eyebody meditation. It takes you from the front part of the vitreous humour (right behind the lens) through four zones to the back of the eyeball (where it touches the macula and rear part of the retina). The attachments to certain aspects can be physical, emotional or mental in nature, either in your current life time, or during the past seven generations or incarnations:
- front quarter of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to pressure, worries, anxiety, fear, grief, sadness – with the intent for soul’s joy and happiness
- second quarter of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to inferiority and superiority – and instead intend soul’s equality
- third quarter of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to restlessness – with the intent for soul’s restfulness
- back or fourth quarter of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to conflict and fighting – intending soul’s peacefulness
- bottom part of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to resisting enjoyment – and instead intend soul’s pleasure and enjoyment
- top part of the vitreous humour: let go of attachments to weakness – with the intent for soul’s powerfulness
The vitreous humour’s membrane embodies two aspects:
- to the front: let go of attachments to uncertainty – intening soul’s certainty (soul certainty in an uncertain world)
- to the back: let go of attachments to isolation and being lost, let go of resisting belonging – with the intent for soul’s belonging
In this way you consciously invite relevant aspects in your Eyebody practice when dealing or resonating with certain themes. They will then support your healing and transformation offering you more joy of life from moment to moment.
(May/June 2016)