Eyebody – Soulful Seeing – Conscious Living (English)

Peter Grunwald: Soulful Seeing – Conscious Living. The art of integrating soul qualities through your eyes, brain and body (English Edition)

  • with more than 35 colour photographs and illustrations and a fold-out map of the energetic Eyebody patterns.
  • paperback, 224 pages
  • 1. edition 2022, ISBN: 978-0-473-64930-2

US$ 45.00

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Peter Grunwald
Soulful Seeing – Conscious Living
The art of integrating soul qualities through your eyes, brain and body

Paperback, 224 pages.
With more than 35 colour photographs and illustrations and a fold-out map of the energetic Eyebody patterns.

Peter Grunwald’s groundbreaking discoveries on the art of integrating brain, eyes and body – and letting go of glasses forever – are based on principles guided by our own soul. A near-death experience fueled his pursuit of deep exploration, out of which his Eyebody work has continued to grow for decades.

In his second book, he extends patterns that govern brain structures, inner functions of the eyes, and the physical body to include the diversity of our emotional and spiritual nature. He shows how emotional patterns underlie visual abnormalities such as myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and more.

Often elusive intergenerational traumas affect not only the function and structures of our eyes, brain, and body, but also our environment including all the relationships in our lives. This book explains techniques to unravel systematic, unconscious behavior. It explains how to gently release emotional adversities such as long-held fear, anxiety, frustration, sadness or confusion and bring back qualities of a soul enlightened by happiness, love, and certainty. Cell memories and structure and function of our eyes and the entire visual system are undergoing a process of constructive change.

Experience how to transform eyesight into clarity, how to bring the brain into effortless mental focus and how to enjoy fulfillment and stability in your emotional life. Learn how fascia affects the shape of the eyes and how to let go of the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Peter resides on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand. He travels globally, leading residential retreats, lectures and trains teachers in his method. With over 40 years of learning and teaching experience, he brings humour, patience and an enormous depth of understanding to adults and children alike. His writings are available in several languages.

What is the difference between the two Eyebody books?

Both books are showing different pathways to holistic and natural seeing based on the Eyebody method – and letting go of the need for glasses or contact lenses. The contents of the first book “The Art of Integrating Eye, Brain and Body” shows the visual principles based on the physical Eyebody patterns and integrating the brain, eyes and body. The second of Peter Grunwald’s books “Soulful Seeing – Conscious Living” is equally based on the Eyebody method and extends and includes our emotional and spiritual dimensions in seeing and being seen.

In the beginning, start by reading the first book first. Afterwards you can continue by reading the second book and can discover the emotional and soul qualities of the visual system. Or, you can start with the second of Peter’s books and can then include the more physical details to a whole together by reading the first book. Both books are equally inspiring, valuable, and potentially life changing – and both books are keeping with the same theme illuminated from different angles.


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